Archive for April, 2008

Write files in Java using BufferedWriter class

In Java, you can write data out to flat files using the BufferedWriter class. This class writes text out to a character output stream and buffers characters in order to provide an efficient means of writing single characters, arrays and strings.

This example also uses the FileWriter class inside of the BufferedWriter constructor. The FileWriter class is sort of a helper, or a convenient class enabling writing of character files.

I have a class that will return me a ResultSet from a Query against the NorthWind database Customers table. I define my BufferedWriter, loop through the ResultSet and write out the data to a flat delimited file.

try {
ResultSet rs = conn.GetResultSet(cn,”Select * from Customers”);

BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(”c:/writerTest.txt”));

String outLine=rs.getString(1)+”,”+rs.getString(2);
System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + ” ” + rs.getString(2));


catch(Exception ex) {
//write out something here

If the File that you define in your FileWriter constructor does not exist, it will be created. Notice I use the writer.newLine(). This is so that the file prints with a carriage return/line-feed option and not continous accross one line.

April 28, 2008 at 7:26 am Leave a comment

MySQL JDBC Driver. Connect to MySQL from Java

Although the majority of my programming efforts evolve around C# & ASP.NET using C#, I find myself doing more stuff with Java. As with every new language that I work with, there are specific things which are common across all languages, such as reading flat files and parsing delimited strings, reading and writing XML files and of course, connecting to a database that I tend to focus on.

The other day, I found myself needing to connect to a MySQL Database, so I downloaded the JDBC Driver (jar file) that would enable me to connect a small java app and read some data. I downloaded it from the java web site, you can do a search for “download jdbc drivers” and you should find the url.

Next, I created a new project in Eclipse and added a .java file. Be sure to add the .jar file for the jdbc driver to the build path of your Eclipse project or you will get an error when you try use the DriverManager and try to connect to the database.

Here is the code that I used:

Add the following import statement:
import java.sql.*;

Add the following module level variables. 

   static Connection conn;
   static Statement stmt;
   static ResultSet rset;

try {
   conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
   yourdatabase”, “loginid”, “loginpw”);

   rset = stmt.executeQuery(”SELECT *
        FROM ssfsigma.csaccount”);

   while( {
     System.out.println(rset[1].getString() );
catch( Exception ex ) {


Using the DriverManager object, I call the getConnection() method. The Statement is like the SqlCommand object, so I call CreateStatement() on the Connection object. Once I have my Statement, I create a ResultSet by using the executeQuery() method. After this, I can read each record in the ResultSet using the .next() method.

Notice that the connection string contains localhost:3306. This is the port that is defaulted in the install of MySQL.

April 28, 2008 at 7:25 am Leave a comment

How to collapse and expand rows of a datagrid using C#, ASP.NET, and Javascript.

The following article will describe the source code, which will allow programmers to create a HGrid. It will allow master/slave or master/child data to be shown. It also includes the features to collapse and expand data on the client side using JavaScript. The original code was done in Visual Studio 2003 using framework 1.1. This is the second version of this grid.

What are the controls needed?

In order to create a HGrid on your own, only a datagrid, and a hidden textbox are needed. In the example I have included the following are the components:

1.    DataGrid (ID: DataGrid1)

The datagrid will hold the data for the master/slave or master/child data. We will also include the feature to expand/collapse (show/hide) on the grid itself. In the example I use, I will be connecting to the NorthWind database of a SQL Database.

2. TextBox (ID: txtExpandedDivs, Width = “0px” or in a div which has style.display: ’none’)

The width is set to 0px so that the users cannot see it, but it exists on the page as a hidden text field. I chose to do it this way, so users can change the width and view the contents of the textbox

3. Button (ID: ButtonSample)

This button is outside of the grid. I created this button, but most likely when users create a page, the page will consist of many controls which will call the page to reload. We have to make sure the contents of the grid are the same, once the page is refreshed.

4. Labels (ID: LabelPostBack)

This label will show the contents of the hidden textbox (txtExpandedDivs) once the (ButtonSample) is clicked.

5. Labels (ID: LabelTitle)

This label is just show the database we are connecting to. e.g.. NorthWind

6. Labels (ID: LabelWhatHappens)

This label is a static label which always shows the message: “What are we storing in the hidden textbox field (txtExpandedDivs Textbox Control)?”

7. Table (ID: Table1)

This table has all the above controls in it.

Details of the DataGrid

Here is the html of the datagrid below. It has paging (10 per page), sorting, and autogeneratedcolumns = false. The columns we have are:

  1. HyperLinkColumn: “+”
  2. BoundColumn: “OrderID”, “CustomerID”, “EmployeeID”, “ShipName”, “ShipAddress”, “ShipCity”, “ShipRegion”, “ShipPostCode”, “ShipCountry”.

<asp:datagrid id=”DataGrid1″ runat=”server” ForeColor=”Black” AllowSorting=”True” AllowPaging=”True” GridLines=”Vertical” CellPadding=”3″ BackColor=”White” BorderWidth=”1px” BorderStyle=”Solid” BorderColor=”#999999″ Width=”100%” AutoGenerateColumns=”

<SelectedItemStyle Font-Bold=”True” HorizontalAlign=”Left” ForeColor=”White”

VerticalAlign=”Top” BackColor=”#000099″>


<EditItemStyle HorizontalAlign=”Left” VerticalAlign=”Top”></EditItemStyle>

<AlternatingItemStyle HorizontalAlign=”Left” ackColor=”#CCCCCC”></AlternatingItemStyle>

<ItemStyle Font-Size=”8pt” Font-Names=”Tahoma” HorizontalAlign=”Left”



<HeaderStyle Font-Bold=”True” ForeColor=”White” BackColor=”Black”></HeaderStyle>

<FooterStyle BackColor=”#CCCCCC”></FooterStyle>


<asp:HyperLinkColumn Text=”+”></asp:HyperLinkColumn>

<asp:BoundColumn Visible=”False” DataField=”OrderID” ReadOnly=”True”



<asp:BoundColumn Visible=”False” DataField=”CustomerID



<asp:BoundColumn Visible=”False” DataField=”EmployeeID



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipName” SortExpression=”ShipName



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipAddress” SortExpression=”ShipAddress



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipCity” SortExpression=”ShipCity



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipRegion” SortExpression=”ShipRegion



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipPostalCode” SortExpression=”ShipPostalCode



<asp:BoundColumn DataField=”ShipCountry” SortExpression=”ShipCountry




<PagerStyle HorizontalAlign=”Center” ForeColor=”Black” BackColor=”#999999″




Language used for this code is: ASP.NET, C#. There are many tools to convert to VB.NET if needed. The source code is very descriptive and can easily be traced.


private string connectionstring = “server=SERVERNAME;database=Northwind;uid=USERID;password=PASSWORD;”;

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

//Clear the contents of the Label
this.LabelPostBack.Text = “”;

if ( !Page.IsPostBack )

BindData(); //Bind Master Details

for ( int i = 0; i < this.DataGrid1.Items.Count; i++ )
//After Postback ID’s get lost. Javascript will not //work without it, so we must set them back.
this.DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[0].ID = “CellInfo” + i.ToString();

//If it is a postback that is not from the grid, we have to
//expand the rows the user had expanded before. We have to
//check first who called this postback by checking the
//Event Target. The reason we check this, is because we
//don’t need to expand if it is changing the page of the
//datagrid, or sorting, etc…

if ( Request[“__EVENTTARGET”] != null)
string strEventTarget = Request[“__EVENTTARGET”].ToString().ToLower();

//datagrid1 is the name of the grid. If you modify
//the grid name, make sure to modify this if

if ( strEventTarget.IndexOf(”datagrid1″) == -1)

if (!Page.IsStartupScriptRegistered(”ShowDataJS”))
Page.RegisterStartupScript( “ShowDataJS”, “<script>ShowExpandedDivInfo(’” + this.txtExpandedDivs.ClientID + “‘,’” +
this.DataGrid1.ClientID + “‘);</script>”);

private void ButtonSample_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

LabelPostBack.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed;
if ( txtExpandedDivs.Text.Length == 0 )
LabelPostBack.Text = “A Postback has occurred. txtExpandedDivs has no content!”;
LabelPostBack.Text = “A Postback has occurred. txtExpandedDivs has contents: <BR/><B>” +
this.txtExpandedDivs.Text + “</B>”;
#region Database Methods

private void BindData()

//======Query For Master Rows=======
string QueryString = “SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID,
ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipRegion,
ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry FROM Orders”;

if ( ViewState[“sortby”] != null )
QueryString = QueryString + ” order by ” + ViewState[“sortby”].ToString();


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new

conn.ConnectionString = connectionstring;
if ( conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed )

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter = new
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter( QueryString, conn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill( ds );
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds;
catch( Exception ex1 )
Response.Write( “An error has occurred: ” );
Response.Write( ex1.Message.ToString() );
if ( conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open )

private DataSet RunQuery(string QueryString)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new

conn.ConnectionString = connectionstring;
if ( conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed )

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter = new
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter( QueryString, conn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill( ds );
return ds;
catch(Exception ex1)
Response.Write(”An Error has occurred.<BR />”);

//This line below will never execute.
return null;
if ( conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open )


#region Datagrid Methods

private void DataGrid1_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e)
//If your page size is 10, only 10 sub queries will be done.
if ( e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem )

string DetailsQuery = “SELECT C.CompanyName, OD.UnitPrice, ” +
“OD.Quantity, OD.Discount, E.FirstName, ” +
“E.LastName “FROM [Order Details] as OD, ” +
“[Customers] as C, [Orders] as O, ” +
“[Employees] as E ” + ” where OD.OrderID = ” +
“O.OrderID and O.CustomerID = ” +
“C.CustomerID and O.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID and ” +
“O.OrderID = ‘” + e.Item.Cells[1].Text + “‘ and ” +
“C.CustomerID = ‘” + e.Item.Cells[2].Text + “‘ and ” +
“E.EmployeeID = ‘” + e.Item.Cells[3].Text + “‘”;

//Here I am grabbing the additional data and putting it
//into mini datagrids…
//If you wish to just use labels, or other controls, just
//bind the data as you
//wish, and render to html as I did.

DataSet ds = this.RunQuery(DetailsQuery);
DataGrid NewDg = new DataGrid();
NewDg.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
NewDg.Width = Unit.Percentage(100.00);
NewDg.DataSource = ds;


System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter htw = new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(sw);
NewDg.RenderControl( htw );

string DivStart = “<DIV id=’uniquename” +
e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString() +“‘ style=’DISPLAY: none;’>”;

string DivBody = sw.ToString();
string DivEnd = “</DIV>”;
string FullDIV = DivStart + DivBody + DivEnd;

int LastCellPosition = e.Item.Cells.Count – 1;
int NewCellPosition = e.Item.Cells.Count – 2;

e.Item.Cells[0].ID = “CellInfo” + e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString();

if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item)
e.Item.Cells[LastCellPosition].Text = e.Item.Cells[LastCellPosition].Text +
“</td><tr><td bgcolor=’f5f5f5′></td><td colspan=’” +
NewCellPosition + “‘>” + FullDIV;
e.Item.Cells[LastCellPosition].Text = e.Item.Cells[LastCellPosition].Text +
“</td><tr><td bgcolor=’d3d3d3′></td><td colspan=’” +
NewCellPosition +”‘>” + FullDIV;

e.Item.Cells[0].Attributes[“onclick”] = “HideShowPanel(’uniquename” +
e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString() + “‘); ChangePlusMinusText(’” +
e.Item.Cells[0].ClientID + “‘); SetExpandedDIVInfo(’” +
e.Item.Cells[0].ClientID + “‘,’” + this.txtExpandedDivs.ClientID +
“‘, ‘uniquename” + e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString() + “‘);”;

e.Item.Cells[0].Attributes[“onmouseover”] = “’pointer’”;

e.Item.Cells[0].Attributes[“onmouseout”] = “’pointer’”;

private void DataGrid1_PageIndexChanged(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e)
//clean up expanded records.
this.txtExpandedDivs.Text = “”;
DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

private void DataGrid1_SortCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
this.txtExpandedDivs.Text = “”;
string sortby = “[” + e.SortExpression + “]“;

if ( ViewState[“sortby”] == null )
sortby = sortby + ” ASC”;
ViewState[“sortby”] = sortby;
if ( ViewState[“sortby”].ToString() == sortby + ” ASC”)
sortby = sortby + ” DESC”;
ViewState[“sortby”] = sortby;
else if ( ViewState[“sortby”].ToString() == sortby + ” DESC”)
sortby = sortby + ” ASC”;
ViewState[“sortby”] = sortby;
sortby = sortby + ” ASC”;
ViewState[“sortby”] = sortby;

public void SetProps(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid DG)
DG.Font.Size = 8;
DG.Font.Bold = false;
DG.Font.Name = “tahoma”;
//Border Props
DG.GridLines = GridLines.Both;
DG.CellPadding = 3;
DG.CellSpacing = 0;
DG.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(”#CCCCCC”);
DG.BorderWidth = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(1);

//Header Props
DG.HeaderStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.SteelBlue;
DG.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
DG.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;
DG.HeaderStyle.Font.Size = 8;
DG.HeaderStyle.Font.Name = “tahoma”;

DG.ItemStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue;

Using the code with your database

In order to use the above code, just modify three things, and your all set:

  1. In the BindData() Method, insert your master query to your database.
  2. In the DataGrid Item_DataBound Method, modify the subquery to your database.
  3. If you modified the grid name, change it in the code as well. Just find and replace the old datagrid name: “datagrid1” to your new datagrid id.
  4. Compile, and Run!!!

April 28, 2008 at 7:24 am Leave a comment

Web Browser/Content in a C# Application

One of the most powerful development tools I’ve come across is using a dynamic
HTML type user interface for my C# applications. Not for the entire application
(like Microsoft Money), but frequently rich mixed content needs to be delivered
to the user and an embedded web browser is powerful.

Embedding just a web browser into an app is okay, but to use it as a responsive
user interface to your C# application is where the real power lies.

Note: Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of steps here. Each step is built upon
the previous but made so you can stop anywere and use what you’ve got up to that point.

Step 1: Get Internet Explorer Into Your App

  1. Create a new Windows Form
  2. Add the SHDocVw Web Browser COM Custom Control to your “Windows Forms”
    1. Right Click on the Toolbox
    2. Choose “Customize Toolbox…”
    3. Select and Add “Microsoft Web Browser”
  3. Draw the new control onto your form (Global icon)

These steps are necessary as the OCX control requires state information that
VS.NET automatically handles and includes in the projects resource file.
Step 2: Using the Web Browser

Since the Web Browser object is compatible with IE 3 to IE 6 and is based on
COM, it is a bit more complicated to use than a .NET component. Here is some
code on how to navigate.
Note: I will call my axWebBrowser control on a form “webMain”.

private void Navigate(string url)
    object o = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    webMain.Navigate(url, ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);

The System.Reflection.Missing.Value object provides a null reference for an
optional/missing parameter. Much like in VB you can make passing some parameters
optional. Ex: Function MyFunc(url as String, Optional OtherInfo as String)

Handling the Web Browsers events requires knowing what to look for. Here is an
example of the status text change event:

using AxSHDocVw;

webMain.StatusTextChange += new DWebBrowserEvents2_StatusTextChangeEventHandler(webMain_StatusTextChange);

private void webMain_StatusTextChange(object sender, DWebBrowserEvents2_StatusTextChangeEvent e)
    Console.WriteLine(”webMain Status Text: ” + e.text);

This is all that is need just to use the browser to navigate to a web site.

Step 3: Access the IE Document Object Module (DOM)

Knowledge of Internet Explorer’s Document Object Model (IE DOM) from here
on is very useful.

Now my favorite part is in creating DHTML (Dynamic HTML) at run time and feeding
this to the browser control to make my own custom UI and display rich dynamic
content. We need access to the Microsoft HTML object library then know which
properties to line up.

  1. Right Click on References in the Solutions View
  2. Choose “Add Reference…”
  3. Go to the COM Tab
  4. Select and add “Microsoft HTML Object Library”

Note: There are a lot of items avalible in the mshtml library. Use the
references below to get more info on them.

Now let’s get the body of the web document.

using mshtml;

private HTMLDocument document
{get {return (HTMLDocument) webMain.Document;}}

private HTMLBody body
{get {return (HTMLBody) document.body;}}

Note: The web browser is a generic content container and by default is
not initialized to an HTML container so you must first load some HTML content
before attempting to access the document or body properties. The easiest way to
do this is:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Goto a blank HTML page

    // Wait for the document to load
    while (body == null) Application.DoEvents();
     Step 4: Trapping IE DOM Events

Okay so now we have a Web Browser control showing our custom content.  How do we
interact with the content we’re showing to the use?  We need to trap
the HTML events.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // … Other Previous Code Here

    // Set the handler for several DHTML events
    document.onclick = this;
    document.onmouseover = this;
    document.onmouseout = this;

// The default COM Interop method [DispId(0)]
public void DefaultMethod()
    HTMLWindow2 win = (HTMLWindow2) document.parentWindow;   Step 5: Putting it All Together - Make a Wrapper Custom Control

Okay, we now have all the tools we need to make everything work together.
I highly recommend making your own web browser custom control wrapper to make
working with the browser easier.  Here is the basic wrapper that I made and use
on everything.  This is great for spiffy message boxes, rich content on your
forms, etc.  Be sure to have the correct references.

Note: You will have to remove/delete the Web Browser control off the custom
control, put it back on manually, and rename it to webMain in order for VS.NET to
include the correct OCX state and licensing.

When put on a form, this custom control can appear and act much like a regular
label.  It defaults to the basic color and font of other controls.  Have fun!

using System;
using mshtml;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CoadTools
    #region Delegates
    public delegate void WebBrowserElementEventHandler(object sender, mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e);

    /// &ltsummary>
    /// Noah Coad’s IE Web Browser Custom Control Wrapper
    /// </summary>
    public class WebBrowser : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        #region Control Components
        private System.Windows.Forms.Panel pnlWeb;
        private AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser webMain;

        /// &ltsummary> Required designer variable. </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;

        #region Enumerators
        public enum ieScrollBars {None, Always, Auto};

        #region Event Handler Declarations
        public event WebBrowserElementEventHandler WebBrowserElementEvent;

        #region Constructor(s)
        public WebBrowser()

            // Go to the blank page, initializes the WebBrowser control to handle HTML documents.
            Navigate(”about:blank”, true);

            // Wait for the control to initialize to HTML and load the blank page.
            while (body == null) {Application.DoEvents();}

            // Set default properties for the control to appear like a generic label control.
            pnlWeb.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            //ScrollBars = ScrollBars.none;
            this.Text = “”;
            this.HTML = “”;
   = “8.25pt Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt Verdana”;
   = “0″;
   = “none”;
   = “buttonface”;
            ScrollBars = ieScrollBars.None;


        #region Component Designer generated code
        /// &ltsummary> 
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
            if (disposing) if (components != null) components.Dispose();

        /// &ltsummary> 
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(WebBrowser));
            this.pnlWeb = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
            this.webMain = new AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser();
            // pnlWeb
            this.pnlWeb.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            this.pnlWeb.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
            this.pnlWeb.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.pnlWeb.Name = “pnlWeb”;
            this.pnlWeb.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 150);
            this.pnlWeb.TabIndex = 1;
            // webMain
            this.webMain.ContainingControl = this;
            this.webMain.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.webMain.Enabled = true;
            this.webMain.OcxState = ((System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.State)(resources.GetObject(”webMain.OcxState”)));
            this.webMain.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(146, 146);
            this.webMain.TabIndex = 0;
            // WebBrowser
            this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
            this.Name = “WebBrowser”;


        #region Public Control Properties
        // Sets the scroll bars of body of the document.
        /// &ltsummary>
        /// Special Internet Explorer BODY.Scroll Property
        /// </summary>
        [Description("Internet Explorer's BODY.Scroll Property")]
        public ieScrollBars ScrollBars
                if (body.scroll.Equals(”yes”)) return ieScrollBars.Always;
                if (body.scroll.Equals(”auto”)) return ieScrollBars.Auto;
                return ieScrollBars.None;
                if (value == ieScrollBars.Auto) body.scroll = “auto”;
                if (value == ieScrollBars.None) body.scroll = “no”;
                if (value == ieScrollBars.Always) body.scroll = “yes”;

        public BorderStyle BorderStyle
            get {return pnlWeb.BorderStyle;}
            set {pnlWeb.BorderStyle = value;}


        #region Public HTML Properties

        [Browsable(false)]  // Do not show in the properties box
        public HTMLDocument document
        { get {return (HTMLDocument) webMain.Document;} }

        [Browsable(false)]  // Do not show in the properties box
        public HTMLBody body
        { get {return (HTMLBody) document.body;} }

        // Document Body’s innerText
        [DefaultValue("")] // Let the properties box know the default value
        [Browsable(true)]  // Do show in the properties box
        [Description("Internet Explorer's BODY.innerText Property")]
        public override string Text
            get {return body.innerText;}
            set {body.innerText = value;}

        // Document Body’s innerHTML
        [Description("Internet Explorer's BODY.innerHTML Property")]
        public string HTML
            get {return body.innerHTML;}
            set {body.innerHTML = value;}


        #region COM Event Handler for WebBrowser HTML Elements
        // COM Event Handler for HTML Element Events
        public void DefaultMethod()
            // Call the custom Web Browser HTML event 
            WebBrowserElementEvent(this, document.parentWindow.@event);

        #region Public Methods
        /// &ltsummary>
        /// Navigates to a web page, defaults to waiting for the page to load before continuing.
        /// </summary>
        /// &ltparam name=”url”>The URL to be redirected to</param>
        public void Navigate(string url)
        { Navigate(url, true); }

        /// &ltsummary>
        /// Navigates to a web page
        /// </summary>
        /// &ltparam name=”url”>The URL to be redirected to</param>
        /// &ltparam name=”wait”>Wait for the page to load before continuing</param>
        public void Navigate(string url, bool wait)
            // Creates the null missing value object
            object o = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            // Resets the browser to an empty container, cleaning the slate
            if (wait) webMain.Navigate(null, ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);

            // Wait until the browser is empty
            if (wait) while (document != null) {Application.DoEvents();}

            // Go to the new URL
            webMain.Navigate(url, ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);

            if (wait) while (document.body == null) {Application.DoEvents();}
            //if (wait) while (webMain.Busy) {Application.DoEvents();}


Step 6: Using the Custom Web Browser Control
Here is a simple form and way to use the control above. Enjoy!

using System;
using mshtml;
using CoadTools;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WebBrowserTutorial
    /// &ltsummary> Test Container for CoadTools.WebBrowser </summary>
    public class frmWebTest : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        private CoadTools.WebBrowser webMain;
        private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;

        public frmWebTest()
        { InitializeComponent(); }

        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
            if (disposing) if (components != null) components.Dispose();

        #region Windows Form Designer generated code
        /// &ltsummary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.webMain = new CoadTools.WebBrowser();
            // webMain
            this.webMain.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.webMain.HTML = “webBrowser1″;
            this.webMain.Name = “webMain”;
            this.webMain.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(234, 102);
            this.webMain.TabIndex = 0;
            // frmWebTest
            this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(234, 102);
            this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
            this.Name = “frmWebTest”;
            this.Text = “Web Browser Test”;
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.frmWebTest_Load);


        /// &ltsummary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
        { Application.Run(new frmWebTest()); }

        private void frmWebTest_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            webMain.WebBrowserElementEvent += new WebBrowserElementEventHandler(webMain_HTMLEvent);
            webMain.HTML = “&ltbr>&ltbr>&ltcenter>&ltspan style=’font: bold 10pt verdana; color: darkgreen;’>Hello World</span></center>”;
            webMain.document.onclick = webMain;

        private void webMain_HTMLEvent(object sender, mshtml.IHTMLEventObj e)
            Console.WriteLine(”HTML Object: ” + e.srcElement + “, Type: ” + e.type);

This concludes the test form for experimenting with the above Web Browser control.

Console.WriteLine(”Object: ” + win.@event.srcElement + “, Type: ” + win.@event.type);


// Now you have full access to the body of a blank HTML page.

body.innerText = “Hello World”;


April 28, 2008 at 7:22 am Leave a comment

Windows Server 2003 IIS and Scripting interview questions

  1. What is presentation layer responsible for in the OSI model? The presentation layer establishes the data format prior to passing it along to the network application’s interface. TCP/IP networks perform this task at the application layer.
  2. Does Windows Server 2003 support IPv6? Yes, run ipv6.exe from command line to disable it.
  3. Can Windows Server 2003 function as a bridge? Yes, and it’s a new feature for the 2003 product. You can combine several networks and devices connected via several adapters by enabling IP routing.
  4. What’s the difference between the basic disk and dynamic disk? The basic type contains partitions, extended partitions, logical drivers, and an assortment of static volumes; the dynamic type does not use partitions but dynamically manages volumes and provides advanced storage options
  5. What’s a media pool? It is any compilation of disks or tapes with the same administrative properties.
  6. How do you install recovery console? C:\i386\win32 /cmdcons, assuming that your Win server installation is on drive C.
  7. What’s new in Terminal Services for Windows 2003 Server? Supports audio transmissions as well, although prepare for heavy network load.
  8. What scripts ship with IIS 6.0? iisweb.vsb to create, delete, start, stop, and list Web sites, iisftp.vsb to create, delete, start, stop, and list FTP sites, iisdir.vsb to create, delete, start, stop, and display virtual directories, iisftpdr.vsb to create, delete, start, stop, and display virtual directories under an FTP root, iiscnfg.vbs to export and import IIS configuration to an XML file.
  9. What’s the name of the user who connects to the Web site anonymously? IUSR_computername
  10. What secure authentication and encryption mechanisms are supported by IIS 6.0? Basic authentication, Digest authentication, Advanced digest authentication, Certificate-based Web transactions that use PKCS #7/PKCS #10, Fortezza, SSL, Server-Gated Cryptography, Transport Layer Security
  11. What’s the relation between SSL and TLS? Transport Layer Security (TLS) extends SSL by providing cryptographic authentication.
  12. What’s the role of http.sys in IIS? It is the point of contact for all incoming HTTP requests. It listens for requests and queues them until they are all processed, no more queues are available, or the Web server is shut down.
  13. Where’s ASP cache located on IIS 6.0? On disk, as opposed to memory, as it used to be in IIS 5.
  14. What is socket pooling? Non-blocking socket usage, introduced in IIS 6.0. More than one application can use a given socket.
  15. Describe the process of clustering with Windows 2003 Server when a new node is added. As a node goes online, it searches for other nodes to join by polling the designated internal network. In this way, all nodes are notified of the new node’s existence. If other nodes cannot be found on a preexisting cluster, the new node takes control of the quorum resources residing on the shared disk that contains state and configuration data.
  16. What applications are not capable of performing in Windows 2003 Server clusters? The ones written exclusively for NetBEUI and IPX.
  17. What’s a heartbeat? Communication processes between the nodes designed to ensure node’s health.
  18. What’s a threshold in clustered environment? The number of times a restart is attempted, when the node fails.
  19. You need to change and admin password on a clustered Windows box, but that requires rebooting the cluster, doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t. In 2003 environment you can do that via cluster.exe utility which does not require rebooting the entire cluster.
  20. For the document of size 1 MB, what size would you expect the index to be with Indexing Service? 150-300 KB, 15-30% is a reasonable expectation.
  21. Doesn’t the Indexing Service introduce a security flaw when allowing access to the index? No, because users can only view the indices of documents and folders that they have permissions for.
  22. What’s the typical size of the index? Less then 100K documents – up to 128 MB. More than that – 256+ MB.
  23. Which characters should be enclosed in quotes when searching the index? &, @, $, #, ^, ( ), and |.
  24. How would you search for C++? Just enter C++, since + is not a special character (and neither is C).
  25. What about Barnes&Noble? Should be searched for as Barnes’&’Noble.
  26. Are the searches case-sensitive? No.
  27. What’s the order of precedence of Boolean operators in Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Indexing Service? NOT, AND, NEAR, OR.
  28. What’s a vector space query? A multiple-word query where the weight can be assigned to each of the search words. For example, if you want to fight information on ‘black hole’, but would prefer to give more weight to the word hole, you can enter black[1] hole[20] into the search window.
  29. What’s a response queue? It’s the message queue that holds response messages sent from the receiving application to the sender.
  30. What’s MQPing used for? Testing Microsoft Message Queue services between the nodes on a network.
  31. Which add-on package for Windows 2003 Server would you use to monitor the installed software and license compliance? SMS (System Management Server).
  32. Which service do you use to set up various alerts? MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager).
  33. What languages does Windows Scripting Host support? VB, VBScript, JScript.

April 28, 2008 at 7:21 am Leave a comment

Threading c-sharp

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Alpha

   // This method that will be called when the thread is started
   public void Beta()
      while (true)
         Console.WriteLine("Alpha.Beta is running in its own thread.");

public class Simple
   public static int Main()
      Console.WriteLine("Thread Start/Stop/Join Sample");

      Alpha oAlpha = new Alpha();

      // Create the thread object, passing in the Alpha.Beta method
      // via a ThreadStart delegate. This does not start the thread.
      Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(oAlpha.Beta));

      // Start the thread

      // Spin for a while waiting for the started thread to become
      // alive:
      while (!oThread.IsAlive);

      // Put the Main thread to sleep for 1 millisecond to allow oThread
      // to do some work:

      // Request that oThread be stopped

      // Wait until oThread finishes. Join also has overloads
      // that take a millisecond interval or a TimeSpan object.

      Console.WriteLine("Alpha.Beta has finished");

         Console.WriteLine("Try to restart the Alpha.Beta thread");
      catch (ThreadStateException)
         Console.Write("ThreadStateException trying to restart Alpha.Beta. ");
         Console.WriteLine("Expected since aborted threads cannot be restarted.");
      return 0;
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class MonitorSample
   public static void Main(String[] args)
      int result = 0;   // Result initialized to say there is no error
      Cell cell = new Cell( );

      CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,
                                               // produce 20 items
      CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,
                                               // consume 20 items

      Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));
      Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));
      // Threads producer and consumer have been created,
      // but not started at this point.

         producer.Start( );
         consumer.Start( );

         producer.Join( );   // Join both threads with no timeout
                             // Run both until done.
         consumer.Join( );
      // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.
      catch (ThreadStateException e)
         Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception
         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
      catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread
                                // was interrupted during a Wait
         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
      // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to
      // the parent process.
      Environment.ExitCode = result;

public class CellProd
   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used
   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to produce in cell

   public CellProd(Cell box, int request)
      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used
      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to produce in cell
   public void ThreadRun( )
      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)
         cell.WriteToCell(looper);  // “producing”

public class CellCons
   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used
   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to consume from cell

   public CellCons(Cell box, int request)
      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used
      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to consume from cell
   public void ThreadRun( )
      int valReturned;
      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)
      // Consume the result by placing it in valReturned.
         valReturned=cell.ReadFromCell( );

public class Cell
   int cellContents;         // Cell contents
   bool readerFlag = false;  // State flag
   public int ReadFromCell( )
      lock(this)   // Enter synchronization block
         if (!readerFlag)
         {            // Wait until Cell.WriteToCell is done producing
               // Waits for the Monitor.Pulse in WriteToCell
            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         Console.WriteLine(”Consume: {0}”,cellContents);
         readerFlag = false;    // Reset the state flag to say consuming
                                // is done.
         Monitor.Pulse(this);   // Pulse tells Cell.WriteToCell that
                                // Cell.ReadFromCell is done.
      }   // Exit synchronization block
      return cellContents;

   public void WriteToCell(int n)
      lock(this)  // Enter synchronization block
         if (readerFlag)
         {      // Wait until Cell.ReadFromCell is done consuming.
               Monitor.Wait(this);   // Wait for the Monitor.Pulse in
                                     // ReadFromCell
            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         cellContents = n;
         Console.WriteLine(”Produce: {0}”,cellContents);
         readerFlag = true;    // Reset the state flag to say producing
                               // is done
         Monitor.Pulse(this);  // Pulse tells Cell.ReadFromCell that
                               // Cell.WriteToCell is done.
      }   // Exit synchronization block
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

// Useful way to store info that can be passed as a state on a work item
public class SomeState
   public int Cookie;
   public SomeState(int iCookie)
      Cookie = iCookie;

public class Alpha
   public Hashtable HashCount;
   public ManualResetEvent eventX;
   public static int iCount = 0;
   public static int iMaxCount = 0;
   public Alpha(int MaxCount)
      HashCount = new Hashtable(MaxCount);
      iMaxCount = MaxCount;

   // Beta is the method that will be called when the work item is
   // serviced on the thread pool.
   // That means this method will be called when the thread pool has
   // an available thread for the work item.
   public void Beta(Object state)
      // Write out the hashcode and cookie for the current thread
      Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} :", Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(),
      // The lock keyword allows thread-safe modification
      // of variables accessible across multiple threads.
         "HashCount.Count=={0}, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()=={1}",
      lock (HashCount)
         if (!HashCount.ContainsKey(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()))
            HashCount.Add (Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(), 0);
         HashCount[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] =

      // Do some busy work.
      // Note: Depending on the speed of your machine, if you
      // increase this number, the dispersement of the thread
      // loads should be wider.
      int iX  = 2000;
      // The Interlocked.Increment method allows thread-safe modification
      // of variables accessible across multiple threads.
      Interlocked.Increment(ref iCount);
      if (iCount == iMaxCount)
         Console.WriteLine(”Setting eventX “);

public class SimplePool
   public static int Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine(”Thread Pool Sample:”);
      bool W2K = false;
      int MaxCount = 10;  // Allow a total of 10 threads in the pool
      // Mark the event as unsignaled.
      ManualResetEvent eventX = new ManualResetEvent(false);
      Console.WriteLine(”Queuing {0} items to Thread Pool”, MaxCount);
      Alpha oAlpha = new Alpha(MaxCount);  // Create the work items.
      // Make sure the work items have a reference to the signaling event.
      oAlpha.eventX = eventX;
      Console.WriteLine(”Queue to Thread Pool 0″);
         // Queue the work items, which has the added effect of checking
         // which OS is running.
         ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(oAlpha.Beta),
            new SomeState(0));
         W2K = true;
      catch (NotSupportedException)
         Console.WriteLine(”These API’s may fail when called on a non-Windows 2000 system.”);
         W2K = false;
      if (W2K)  // If running on an OS which supports the ThreadPool methods.
         for (int iItem=1;iItem < MaxCount;iItem++)
            // Queue the work items:
            Console.WriteLine(”Queue to Thread Pool {0}”, iItem);
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(oAlpha.Beta),new SomeState(iItem));
         Console.WriteLine(”Waiting for Thread Pool to drain”);
         // The call to exventX.WaitOne sets the event to wait until
         // eventX.Set() occurs.
         // (See oAlpha.Beta).
         // Wait until event is fired, meaning eventX.Set() was called:
         // The WaitOne won’t return until the event has been signaled.
         Console.WriteLine(”Thread Pool has been drained (Event fired)”);
         Console.WriteLine(”Load across threads”);
         foreach(object o in oAlpha.HashCount.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine(”{0} {1}”, o, oAlpha.HashCount[o]);
      return 0;
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class MutexSample
   static Mutex gM1;
   static Mutex gM2;
   const int ITERS = 100;
   static AutoResetEvent Event1 = new AutoResetEvent(false);
   static AutoResetEvent Event2 = new AutoResetEvent(false);
   static AutoResetEvent Event3 = new AutoResetEvent(false);
   static AutoResetEvent Event4 = new AutoResetEvent(false);

   public static void Main(String[] args)
      Console.WriteLine(”Mutex Sample …”);
      // Create Mutex initialOwned, with name of “MyMutex”.
      gM1 = new Mutex(true,”MyMutex”);
      // Create Mutex initialOwned, with no name.
      gM2 = new Mutex(true);
      Console.WriteLine(” - Main Owns gM1 and gM2″);

      AutoResetEvent[] evs = new AutoResetEvent[4];
      evs[0] = Event1;    // Event for t1
      evs[1] = Event2;    // Event for t2
      evs[2] = Event3;    // Event for t3
      evs[3] = Event4;    // Event for t4

      MutexSample tm = new MutexSample( );
      Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tm.t1Start));
      Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tm.t2Start));
      Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tm.t3Start));
      Thread t4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tm.t4Start));
      t1.Start( );   // Does Mutex.WaitAll(Mutex[] of gM1 and gM2)
      t2.Start( );   // Does Mutex.WaitOne(Mutex gM1)
      t3.Start( );   // Does Mutex.WaitAny(Mutex[] of gM1 and gM2)
      t4.Start( );   // Does Mutex.WaitOne(Mutex gM2)

      Console.WriteLine(” - Main releases gM1″);
      gM1.ReleaseMutex( );  // t2 and t3 will end and signal

      Console.WriteLine(” - Main releases gM2″);
      gM2.ReleaseMutex( );  // t1 and t4 will end and signal

      // Waiting until all four threads signal that they are done.
      Console.WriteLine(”… Mutex Sample”);

   public void t1Start( )
      Console.WriteLine(”t1Start started,  Mutex.WaitAll(Mutex[])”);
      Mutex[] gMs = new Mutex[2];
      gMs[0] = gM1;  // Create and load an array of Mutex for WaitAll call
      gMs[1] = gM2;
      Mutex.WaitAll(gMs);  // Waits until both gM1 and gM2 are released
      Console.WriteLine(”t1Start finished, Mutex.WaitAll(Mutex[]) satisfied”);
      Event1.Set( );      // AutoResetEvent.Set() flagging method is done

   public void t2Start( )
      Console.WriteLine(”t2Start started,  gM1.WaitOne( )”);
      gM1.WaitOne( );    // Waits until Mutex gM1 is released
      Console.WriteLine(”t2Start finished, gM1.WaitOne( ) satisfied”);
      Event2.Set( );     // AutoResetEvent.Set() flagging method is done

   public void t3Start( )
      Console.WriteLine(”t3Start started,  Mutex.WaitAny(Mutex[])”);
      Mutex[] gMs = new Mutex[2];
      gMs[0] = gM1;  // Create and load an array of Mutex for WaitAny call
      gMs[1] = gM2;
      Mutex.WaitAny(gMs);  // Waits until either Mutex is released
      Console.WriteLine(”t3Start finished, Mutex.WaitAny(Mutex[])”);
      Event3.Set( );       // AutoResetEvent.Set() flagging method is done

   public void t4Start( )
      Console.WriteLine(”t4Start started,  gM2.WaitOne( )”);
      gM2.WaitOne( );   // Waits until Mutex gM2 is released
      Console.WriteLine(”t4Start finished, gM2.WaitOne( )”);
      Event4.Set( );    // AutoResetEvent.Set() flagging method is done

April 28, 2008 at 7:19 am Leave a comment

Reverse Engineering Page Layout

Have you ever seen a Web page that uses a really amazing layout? With just a few simple tricks you can learn how that layout was created. In the process you can grow your Web design skills dramatically.

Tables Are the Key

HTML tables are the key to Web page design. Since HTML doesn’t reliably support absolute positioning, Web Designers have long used tables to control page layout. Dividing your Web page into a series of table cells gives you some degree of control over where text and graphics will appear.

Sophisticated page layouts require very complex tables. Designers use tables with cells that span multiple rows and columns, or even nest tables inside one another to create the desired effect. The result can be a confusing mass of HTML code.

While page layouts can be a challenge to decipher, a few simple tricks can help you understand the underlying table structure. Start by viewing the Web page’s HTML source code.

Go to the Source

You can easily view the HTML source code used to create any Web page. In fact, it’s impossible for a Web Designer to hide their HTML code so that others can’t read it.

To view a page’s source code using Internet Explorer, go to the View menu and select Source. A new window will pop up containing the page’s source code, as shown below.

The graphic below shows a snippet of the the HTML source code for the start of the body section for the KMAC web site (, a relatively simple Web page that we will use as an example.

Source of beginning of body section

As you can see, the HTML code for even a simple layout can be complicated. Trying to understand the Web page by viewing the source code alone can be an exercise in futility. Surely there must be a better way!

Cracking the Secret Code

Fortunately there is a better approach: reverse engineering. While this may sound hard, the basic steps are simple.

  1. Save a copy of the page to your local computer
  2. Change the page’s HTML code to show you the underlying tables
  3. View the page in your browser

Let’s try it.

Saving the Page

To save a local copy of the Web page using Internet Explorer, go to the File menu and select Save As. A dialog box will appear asking where you’d like to save the Web page.

Notice that this dialog box has a field labeled Save as type. This lets you chose exactly how the page will be saved. By default, the field should be set to Web Page complete, which is what we want. This option tells Internet Explorer to save the Web page itself and also download a copy of all the graphics it uses. This ensures that we will see all of the page’s graphics when we view the local copy. Otherwise our local copy would be filled with broken images.

Viewing the Page

Once you’ve saved the page, you will need to load your local copy into your browser (Internet Explorer doesn’t do this automatically when you save the page!).

To load the local copy, follow these steps:

  1. Under the File menu, chose Open. A dialog box will appear.
  2. Click the Browse button in this dialog box.
  3. Another dialog box will appear that allows you to navigate the files on your local computer’s file system.
  4. Find the local copy of your Web page and select it.
  5. Click Open, and then Ok to load the page.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see the Web page in your browser, and the browser’s address field should say something like “C:\temp\Adventure Summer Camp for All Ages – Kent Mountain Adventure Center”.

Change the Code

Now that we have a copy of the page on our computer, we can edit the HTML source code and view any changes we will make.

To edit the source code, again go to the View menu and select Source. A window will again appear showing you the HTML code. This window is actually a copy of Notepad, the Windows text editor.

You can change the HTML code using Notepad and then select File – Save to save your changes. When you refresh the Web page in your browser, the changes will appear.

Turn on Those Tables

Now we’re finally ready to view the tables used to control layout. Find the first TABLE tag used on the page, and set the width of its borders.

For example, line 14 of the source code for the Kent Mountain page looks like this:

<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0
cellSpacing=0 width=620>

Notice that the table’s BORDER attribute is set to zero. Change this to set the border width to something we can see like a 4, as shown below.

<TABLE border=4 cellPadding=0
cellSpacing=0 width=620>

Now save the changed code and refresh your browser window to load the changes.

This clearly shows the main table used in the page’s layout. Notice that we can see three distinct columns: a left column containing the page navigation, a right column containing the page’s main text, and a narrow middle column used for padding.

Let’s go further into the code. Notice that line 22 of the page shows another table that looks like this:

<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0
cellSpacing=0 width="100%">

By likewise setting this table’s BORDER attribute, we can see where it appears. Or, if you prefer, you can also use the table’s BGCOLOR attribute to color the table. BGCOLOR shades all of the table’s cells in the color of your choice. For complex layouts it is sometimes easier to understand tables using both BGCOLOR and BORDER.

That’s what we’ll do in this example, as shown below.

<TABLE  BGCOLOR=orange border=4
cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">

Again save the HTML source code and refresh your browser window to view the changes. The page should now appear as below.

This shows that the right column of our main table includes a second, nested table. This second table likewise includes three distinct columns.

This same approach works with images too. If we aren’t sure which parts of the page are created using graphics, and which parts are created with pure HTML, we can set the BORDER attribute for each image to see.

Look and Learn

There’s more to this layout that what we’ve seen here, and this is a relatively simple Web page. Analyzing pages with a complex layout can take quite some time. Don’t expect to understand the page’s structure immediately; it often takes several tries and a little experimentation to understand what’s really going on. As a rule of thumb, expect to spend 2-4 hours reverse engineering a page layout.

That may seem like a long time, but it’s worth the trouble. Once you understand a page layout, it’s easy to use something similar in your own page designs.

Copy, But Don’t Plagiarize

All of this raises an important question: are we stealing someone else’s work? The answer depends on how much someone’s page layout you plan to copy.

If you are debugging pages to learn new HTML tricks, then you’re probably safe. Professional Web Designers routinely debug pages in this way to build their skills.

On the other hand, if you reuse an existing page layout by simply changing its text and graphics, then you’re on shaky ethical ground.

Let your conscience be your guide, and ask yourself how much of your own Web pages you’re willing to let other people mimic.

Life as a Web Designer

And don’t forget that this same technique can be used to track down HTML errors on your own pages or in pages that you inherited from someone else.

If you plan a career in Web Design, then you can expect to spend a lot of time debugging pages in this way, both to understand them and to track down errors. You’ll find yourself reverse engineering lots of pages to track down errors that break your page. Any tools and tricks that help are worth the time investment to learn.

Don’t forget that using Keynote NetMechanic’s HTML Toolbox is also a great way to debug Web pages. HTML Toolbox includes HTML Check & Repair, a great tool that finds coding errors on your Web page and can fix them with just one click. It can dramatically reduce the time you spend debugging Web pages.

April 28, 2008 at 7:18 am Leave a comment

Mozilla Firefox beta is internet-life

Syncing FireFox bookmarks with .Mac

FireFox is a much more powerful and expandable browser than Safari . It’s a no brainer to make the swap from Safari or Internet Explorer. Abandoning Safari for FireFox left me missing only one thing- iSync. A big of googling lead me to a solution that allowed me to continue to sync my bookmarks across multiple machines (pc and macs) using .Mac’s WebDAV. Here’s how to set your Firefox to sync bookmarks through .Mac …

Removing Safari from your internet life is a breeze. Download the latest FireFox and install. The next step is to get your Safari bookmarks out of Safari and into FireFox. Safari Bookmark Exporter will let you export your Safari bookmarks into a file that’s easily importable by FireFox.

Once your bookmarks are moved over, you’ll need to setup FireFox for bookmark synchronization. FireFox has the ability to run extensions- which in essence are plugins by third party developers that provide added functionality to the core application.

Install the Bookmarks Synchronizer (0.9.6) extension. Firefox will need to be restarted for the extension to be activated.

Once restarted, open the Extension window from the Tools menu (FireFox: Tools > Extensions). You should see Bookmarks Synchronizer listed as one of your Extensions. (I’ve installed few additional Extensions that will not show up in your window. Bookmarks Synchronizer is highlighted.)

On the right hand side, the (i) icon spawns the Bookmarks Synchronizer config window

Assuming you have a functioning .Mac account, configuration is a snap. Set Remote File Settings to HTTP. This will allow you to use .Mac’s WebDAV for uploading and downloading your FireFox bookmarks. WebDAV a protocol for saving and editing files on remote servers. All the functions of iDisk that you use in the Finder are handled through WebDAV.

Here’s how to configure the Bookmarks Synchronizer settings to use dotMac:


Host: User: DotMacUser Password: DotMacPassword Path: /DotMacUser/Documents/xbel.xml

That’s it. Apply the changes and click the Upload button. If all goes well your FireFox Bookmarks will be uploaded to your iDisk. Configure your additional PCs or Macs the same way- and this time click Download. Once all of your FireFoxes have the same bookmarks, you’re ready for syncing. Whenever you want to sync bookmarks, select Synchronize Bookmarks under the Bookmark menu (FireFox: Bookmarks > Synchronize Bookmarks). Ta-da.

The Synchronize Bookmarks Extension has some bugs, and isn’t perfect. It’s nowhere near as slick a iSync… It does however provide the much missed sync-ability of bookmark files.

April 28, 2008 at 7:15 am Leave a comment

5 Flash Tips: onLoad Event Handler Not Working With loadMovie?

Tip #1: Neat Fix – onLoad Bug
I have heard so many people moan on the many community forums and mailing lists about the onLoad event handler not working with loadMovie and although I have already posted a fix for the problem (, I found this very small and functional fix that does the same thing, a while ago on the Flashcoders Mailing List: flashcoders/2002-October/049415.html and so if you see the question, forward people to

Tip #2: Bug – Sound.loadSound & GetRight
If you have GetRight ( installed on your computer, a download management utility, and you view a Flash movie that attempts to load an mp3 sound file into the Flash Player dynamically using the Sound.loadSound method, GetRight stops the loading of the mp3 file and asks you to choose a location to save the mp3 file on your local computer; whether you choose to download the file or not, Flash still does not load the file into the player, which raises an issue.

GetRight is one of the most, if not the most popular download utility and this is the default behaviour of the program, of course these settings can be changed, by removing the hook for mp3 files but Flash alone cannot do this automatically for you, this is a manual process that viewers of your site will have follow if they want to listen to dynamically loaded sounds on your site…

To fix the problem, I assume that by changing the file extension of your mp3 files to something which is not registered as a download hook in GetRight will do the trick, but of course, if GetRight actually checks the MIME -type of the file instead of using the files extension, then this will not solve the problem. Changing the mime-type is not only a complex process for novices, it will not solve the problem, because the Flash Player will not play the file if its MIME-type is not set to type mp3.

Tip #3: Stage.showMenu
It is all in the name, Stage.showMenu is a Boolean property of the Stage object that defines whether to display the menu or not, when the user right-clicks on your Flash movie.

A boolean value is either true or false, 0 or 1, on or off, the Stage.showMenu value can either be true or false:

true – Show the menu on right-click
false – Down show the menu on right-click

Please bear in mind, that this isn not the answer to all our prayers, when you turn the right-click menu off, the ‘About Flash 6 Player’ and ‘Settings’ options are still displayed, so no, you cant ‘fully’ remove the right-click menu. The actionscript:

//turn off the right-click menu

Tip #4:
This undocumented method grants permission for the specified domain(s) to access objects and variables in the Flash movie that calls the allowDomain command. This property had to be implemented because of the changes made to the Security Sandbox in the Flash 6 Player…

I have two movies, ‘a.swf’ and ‘b.swf’, ‘a.swf’ is located on server and ‘b.swf’ is located on server, for ‘a.swf’ to be able to access the contents of ‘b.swf’, ‘b.swf’ has to make a call to the allowDomain command as follows:””);

The domain can be formatted in numerous ways, the same different formats that the loadVariables, loadVariablesNum, xml.load and loadvars.load methods accept:

You can pass multiple domains to the method as arguments. This method has been documented in the Macromedia Flash MX ActionScript Dictionary Errata ( flash_mx_errata/flash_mx_errata03.html).

Tip #5: Test Player – System Keys
By default, in the local test player(Control > Test Movie), if you try and press the enter key, to test some code that uses it, your code will not work because the player over-rides the key press as a keyboard shortcut to pause and play the movie, the same goes for the tab key and other important system keys, such as Ctrl, Shift etc… So if you want to test your tabIndexes in the test player, so you can use trace and the debugger, simply select Disable Keyboard Shortcuts from the Control menu (Control > Disable Keyboard Shortcuts) and your code will now recieve the key presses. Saves me a lot of faffing around! Think this is something else I was slow on, these little fine details just fly over my head.

April 28, 2008 at 7:13 am Leave a comment

Will Success, or All That Money From Google, Spoil Firefox?

Only a couple of years ago, Firefox was the little browser that could — an open-source program created by thousands of contributors around the world without the benefit of a giant company like Microsoft to finance it.

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Illustration by James C. Best Jr. /The New York Times

Jeff Carlick/Bloomberg News

Mitchell Baker is the Mozilla Corporation’s chief executive.

Since then, Firefox, which has prospered under the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation, has grown to be the largest rival to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, with 15 to 20 percent of the browser market worldwide and higher percentages in Europe and among technology devotees. It is the most popular alternative browser since Netscape, with about three times as many users as Apple’s Safari.

Part of Firefox’s appeal was its origins as a nonprofit venture, a people-powered revolution involving the most basic Internet technology, the Web browser. Also, because the core code was open, Firefox could tap into developers’ creativity; they are encouraged to soup up the browser, whether by blocking ads from commercial Web sites, a popular add-on, or by creating “skins” to customize the browser’s appearance.

But in trying to build on this success, the Mozilla Foundation has come to resemble an investor-backed Silicon Valley start-up more than a scrappy collaborative underdog. Siobhan O’Mahony, an assistant professor at the School of Management of the University of California, Davis, calls Mozilla “the first corporate open-source project.”

The foundation has used a for-profit subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation, to collect tens of millions of dollars in royalties from search engine companies that want prominent placement on the browser. And by collecting that money as a war chest to compete against giants like Microsoft and Apple, the foundation has, at least temporarily, moved away from the typical activities of a nonprofit organization.

“The Mozilla community has been a bit hybrid in terms of integrating public and private investment all along — its history is fairly unique in this respect,” Professor O’Mahony said.

So far, the many contributors to Firefox seem pleased with its financial success. The bigger question is what Mozilla will do with all its money.

According to Mozilla’s 2006 financial records, which were recently released, the foundation had $74 million in assets, the bulk invested in mutual funds and the like, and last year it collected $66 million in revenue. Eighty-five percent of that revenue came from a single source — Google, which has a royalty contract with Firefox.

Despite that ample revenue, the Mozilla Foundation gave away less than $100,000 in grants (according to the audited statement), or $285,000 (according to Mozilla itself), in 2006. In the same year, it paid the corporation’s chief executive, Mitchell Baker, more than $500,000 in salary and benefits. (She is also chairwoman of the foundation.)

Ms. Baker, a lawyer who has worked for Silicon Valley companies since the mid-1990s, said her compensation “is yet another example of Mozilla as a hybrid,” adding that it made her “a poor stepchild, not even,” compared to the leaders of other equally influential Silicon Valley companies.

Ms. Baker says it was the community, not Google’s money, that made Firefox a player in the field. “Mozilla is successful because we have this giant set of people who care about it,” she said. “The fundamental infrastructure piece that keeps Mozilla independent from even a single source of income like Google is the diverse set of people.”

She added: “No amount of money would have allowed us to be as successful as we are.” Then, referring to Microsoft, she said, “We cannot outspend them.”

The rise of Firefox can be seen as an extension of the Netscape-Microsoft battle of the mid-1990s. After Microsoft largely wrested control of the market, Netscape decided in 1998 to release its code to the public, and immediately developers took up the challenge.

By 2003, AOL, which had acquired Netscape, released the browser code to the newly created Mozilla Foundation, and by November 2004, the first version of Firefox was released. At the time, it was promoted as pursuing the goals of being user-friendly, able to work on different operating systems and more secure. The corporation was created in 2005.

The browser’s other, unstated advantage, shared with other open-source projects, was A.B.M.: Anybody but Microsoft.

“Firefox is able to tap many different audiences. Not everyone cares about keeping Web standards open, but a significant part of the contributing population fears that if Firefox loses share, then Web standards could become the purview of Microsoft alone,” Professor O’Mahony wrote in an e-mail message.

Dean Hachamovitch, Microsoft’s general manager for Internet Explorer, noted that the market still showed a marked preference for Explorer, but he did concede that Microsoft, for structural reasons, could not show the enthusiasm Firefox developers have.

“We are much more reserved about thinking out loud as we make the browser better,” he said. “I can go through and talk about all the innovations we have made, but we don’t talk about them until they are done. People make very important decisions based on what Microsoft says; we have a responsibility about what we say out loud.”

Looming over Mozilla’s future, however, is its close connection with Google, which has been writing most of the checks that finance the Firefox project through its royalty contract.

When the connection with Google was revealed more than a year ago, the question on popular tech Web sites like was whether Mozilla was acting as a proxy in Google’s larger war with Microsoft and others.

The foundation went so far as to directly address the issue, writing recently, “We do not vet our initiatives with Google,” and adding that it made sure that Google “understood the separation between a search relationship and the rest of our activities.”

Yet lately, the concern among Firefox users and developers about the Mozilla-Google relationship focuses more on what would happen if Google were to walk away, create its own browser or back another, like Safari. This discussion of life after Google represents an unexpected twist: the fear is that instead of being a proxy for Google, Mozilla may have become dangerously reliant on it.

Wladimir Palant, a longtime contributor to Firefox and developer of the popular Adblock Plus add-on that removes ads from Web pages, said he was pleased that the foundation had so much money saved up. And while he rattled off a number of priorities that he was glad the foundation had been pursuing, including improving the infrastructure and hiring more staff, he said No. 1 was, “Save some of the money for later.”

He said, “This will keep them independent of market tendencies and companies like Google.” If Google were to make an unreasonable demand, he said, “Mozilla will still have enough time to look for alternative money sources.”

Ms. Baker said that while she tried “to stay away from” that kind of speculation, “I take the view that we are doing something fundamentally important, and as that becomes clear, there could be other entrants.” She added: “Google is on everyone’s mind, but it could come from China, who knows?”

A Google spokeswoman would not comment on any of the issues raised by the Google-Mozilla relationship, but issued a statement: “Mozilla is a valued business partner because many users utilize Firefox to access Google products and services. We will continue to work with a variety of technology providers, including Mozilla, to ensure our mutual users have the best experience possible with our products and services.”

To an outside observer like Tim Wu, a law professor at Columbia who focuses on the Internet, the alliance still makes a lot of sense.

“We’re living in a cold war between open and closed systems, and Google is happy to lend support to entities that it sees as allies,” he said.

While acknowledging that he does not know the secret terms of their contract, he said, by way of analogy, “No one is surprised that Turkey would get aid from the U.S. during the cold war.”

April 28, 2008 at 7:12 am Leave a comment

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